Bird Flu is Coming For All of Us
COVID was a test, and we failed
The news has largely been silent on this. Yes, there’s been reports of a massive bird flu break out happening, but now I’m starting read reports of it spreading to seals, foxes, and bears. Now, a nine year old Ecuadorian girl is in the hospital with it. Get ready, bird flu is coming for all of us!
This is not a test
Despite the vaccine response and researchers being on the ball, we failed the COVID test from a societal standpoint. In my sleepy town people were divided, vehemently about masking our kids in school. They complained of liberal plots and socialism.
All over our country, we divided ourselves across political and ideological lines over being masked and getting the COVID vaccine. People came to blows over it, truckers tried to jam up places, and our society frayed even further.
We failed when we needed to band together as a human community, put aside our differences, and show the world we could unite and fight a common foe. We failed spectacularly.
We got a big fat “F” on the test.
Now, imagine this scenario repeating itself when Bird Flu mutates and jumps into the human population.
We’ll fail again but this time there won’t be just an average 2% lethality rate, this time it’ll be much larger.
The Spanish Flu of 1918
The Spanish Flu of 1918 was an Avian “Bird” Flu. It's believed to have killed as many as 100 million people worldwide with up to 500 million people infected. COVID will kill around the 2 million mark, but that could be higher if China reports real numbers.
Roughly speaking, COVID killed 2% of what the Spanish Flu did, and that happened during a time when we knew less about these diseases. It happened just as American soldiers returned home from World War I, just as masses of humans started to travel globally. There were horror stories of it ripping through small towns in the MidWest on Friday night and on Monday, over half the town was dead.
People were scared, they masked themselves and even their pets. People isolated themselves and they were prepared as best as they could. Why? Because that’s what sane and rational people did. They didn’t have social media but they had newspapers with some journalistic integrity.

If Bird Flu hit our shores and people started dying, do I believe people will do the right things? Nope. I don’t believe the collective United States won’t.
The Red States will scream, “liberal commie plot taking away our freedoms” or “don’t mask kids, they need to breathe!” Until they start dying off in droves, we’ll see the same old response from these idiots.
Don’t get me wrong, I have my qualms with Blue State as well but for the most part, people of liberal thinking will try to do the right thing and mask up to protect themselves and others.
Imagine going into full lockdown again, after COVID? People are going to riot, spread Bird Flu, and then die in the thousands.
We’ll have to isolate again and pray that Pfizer and JNJ come up with a vaccine in time to save us. We’ll go stir-crazy being locked up in a house with our families and cities will fall into unrest.
Prepare now
I don’t remember where I saw this but someone made a comment about survivalists being scared of roaming gangs. They have to build up a tiny arsenal of weapons to fight off gangs that will come and take their stuff after a doomsday scenario event. The person made a comment that the community (i.e. gang) is always stronger than the individual, and they were 100% right.
I think the “rugged individualistic” pipe dream a lot of us believe in is not sustainable. We need to work together as a group, as a community, and as a society at large. Together, we are stronger.
When COVID hit and we were all isolated, our local community did food drop-offs for one another. We took turns going out and doing shopping and then dropped off extra items at our neighbors. Then when it was time for their turn to go out and shop, they picked up things we needed.
It was a way for us to limit exposure and still be able to live. It was the smart, educated, and right thing to do.
Of course, there’s going to be the lunatic people that will buy up all the toilet paper and disinfectants again. We see you and we won’t tolerate this selfish behavior any longer.
We’re all in this together. All of us.
So tell your friends and neighbors to start preparing now. If you have an extra freezer, pick up a few more bags of dumplings from Costco (we love them). Talk about sourcing water and sharing tools and equipment. Stock up on a couple more rolls of toilet paper now and dried sacks of flour, rice, and sugar.
We don’t have to go crazy because Bird Flu will rip through populations and then be over, not like COVID, if the 1918 Spanish Flu was any indication.
Prepare now because Bird Flu is coming. It’s not a matter of if but when.
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