Large Parts of the World Will Become Uninhabitable And Millions of People Will Die

We are tipping or have already tipped

Large Parts of the World Will Become Uninhabitable And Millions of People Will Die
Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

Climate Change

Large Parts of the World Will Become Uninhabitable And Millions of People Will Die

Parts of Europe hit 40 C (104 F) this week. Portugal hit a peak of 47 C (117 F) with wildfires breaking out. If this keeps up, Portugal and Spain will become largely uninhabitable in the near future, like in 5 years.

This is not a drill, this is not a test, we are tipping or have already tipped. Large parts of the world will become uninhabitable and millions of people will die.

Those millions? They’ll be the poor. Why? Because those in power could afford to move. The others? Fuck them. They’ll look down from their air-conditioned palaces and say “let them have circulating fans.”

I’m not being a sensationalist but a realist. Look around you, does what you see make any sense?

We are collapsing. It’s going to be slow for a while and then accelerate. Prepare for massive migrations, social unrest, violence, and nations collapsing.

We were warned years ago but we had zero political will to do anything, because of capitalism! I hope we can eat our dollars and bitcoin in the future when our pollinators collapse.

One day the remaining tribe of humans will die out in a cave somewhere, only to have their remains found by an alien civilization that visits a dead world thousands of years later.

They’ll wonder why such a paradise dried up and died. They’ll marvel at the strange language that is written on the cave walls and wonder what “maximizing shareholder’s value” means.

No. We can’t let it end like this. Give no quarter, no solace, for the destroyers of the world. We have to fight with every ounce of will and energy we have.

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