Climate Change Told Ya So
It brings me no joy to say it
I’ve been keeping a low profile here. I haven’t been writing that much about the topic of climate change, the destruction of our ecosystems, or the end of the world. I’ve been busy elsewhere with life and work and I just wanted to let things unfold the way they should, with horrifying results.
At the beginning of the year, I wrote this Medium article about the end of the world. It was supposed to be set to the tune of REM’s “It’s the End of the World” and I made some off-the-hip predictions for the year. I predicted 50C temperature across parts of the world and I ended up being right.
Right now parts of South America are getting roasted. Parts of it are being crushed by abnormally high heat and dry conditions. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that crop failures and general crop yields will be lower this year. If you’re a reader in South America, please stay cool and safe.
I take no pleasure in saying “told ya so” even if it gives me a momentary smug feeling. The reality is that we’re seeing the world becoming inhospitable and in the next few decades uninhabitable. Whether we want to admit it or not, we're living through the end times.
I estimate that in the next 5 years or so we’ll start seeing human migrations out of the former Goldilocks zone of human settlements. Of course, people with money will be able to move to safer climes but those that are poor will suffer and die. An influx of climate refugees will only drive nationalistic feelings and strife.
If you’re aghast at people looting Amazon trucks, wait till crops fail. Prices will skyrocket (thanks to Capitalism) and people will be killing each other for a loaf of bread.
I don’t write these things lightly. I’m looking at my children coming of age and wondering what kind of world will I leave behind for them. I’ll see the possible collapse of many systems in my old age but they’ll be in their prime. They’ll have to deal with the chaos that will ensue and I hate myself for that.