Climate Warming Will Push us Past 1.5C

It’s all pie in the sky thanks to corporations

Climate Warming Will Push us Past 1.5C
Photo by Ilja Nedilko on Unsplash

I love the Germans and their research. They just released a new report titled “The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming — social drivers and physical processes”. In other words, the climate will warm greater than 1.5C and we’re all going to roast. What’s preventing us from staying at this shitty target of only a 1.5C increase? Corporate responses and consumption patterns.

Two social drivers (i.e., corporate responses and consumption patterns) continue to undermine the pathways to decarbonization, let alone deep de-carbonization. — via University of Hamburg

Thanks, Exxon and all the corporations that say Climate Change isn’t real. Thanks to Amazon and all the corporations that feed our “buy it now” lifestyle. Thank you to all the politicians that keep kicking the climate response can down the road. No one realizes we’re hurtling toward a dead end. No one, except for some of us.

Today is February 1st, the coldest month of the year where I live. It’s 34F, which isn’t too bad but it’s rather warm for the month. Later this week it’s forecast to hit 50F. We haven’t had any snow yet and it’s been too damn warm.

I flip open the forecasts for warming in the next decade. I skip right ahead to the high emission scenario because stopping the warming at 1.5 C is a pipe dream. In 2060 I’ll be 90 years old and if I’m still alive and living in New Jersey I’ll be roasting in the summer and enjoying warmer winters.


I could look at the bright side and sell my snowblower but I suspect we’ll get extreme snowstorms, extreme rainfall, and extreme droughts. Nothing will be “normal” ever again.

Why do I still act surprised? Why do I still believe that we’re going to wake up one day and do the right thing? I like to have faith in my community and fellow humans, but we can’t help ourselves. We really can’t.

We’re going to keep doing the same things over and over again until one day it all collapses.

I could write about how you should get prepared and paste more affiliate links in my article. How I should skim a few more bucks off this platform but I’m not going to right now. The question I have now is when will we see a collapse?

Will society break down and the shit hit the fan? Or will we just die a whimpering death in our McMansions? That’s the big question for me because we’re headed in the direction of collapse. We just don’t know when it will happen, how fast things will break down, and who will survive.

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved the clock hands for nuclear annihilation to 90 seconds before midnight. We’ve inched closer to nuclear war more than ever since I’ve been alive. How insane is that?

I used to believe that fixing climate change was the number one thing for fixing everything else. If you have an inhospitable planet you really don’t care much about women’s rights or education, because you’re just barely scraping by to survive. Maybe I need to rearrange my priorities and put nuclear war at the top.

The climate will be completely fucked up if we start detonating nukes around the world. If you don’t vaporize in a nuke blast, the earth will be contaminated with radiation and any survivors will starve. Maybe that’s our exit strategy, live like there’s no tomorrow and forget climate change because we’re all going to burn in a mushroom cloud.

We ain’t stopping at 1.5C, with a nuclear war it’ll be 4,000C.

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