El Niño Will Kill Thousands Of People This Year
You thought 2022 was bad, get ready for this
El Niño Will Kill Thousands Of People Next Year
If you thought the climate was bad last year, get ready for hell on Earth in 2023. El Niño is coming back this year and it will scorch and drown us like never before. Get ready for 50-degree Celsius weather across Europe and the Middle East. Get ready for more waterways and rivers drying up.
Get ready for food shortages and unrest. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a biblical-level famine event in the not-too-distant future. This is not a matter of “if it will happen” but “when it will happen” and you need to get ready.
Don’t believe me? Last year I wrote about how large parts of the world will become uninhabitable. These are not anomalies, they will become the norm in the not-too-distant future.
Last year the Mississippi River damn near dried up. Didn’t hear about it? It was underreported, probably not to scare you. Other rivers across the world started to dry up and once El Niño get’s going, it’s going to get considerably worse.
I’m not the only one that’s writing about this.
Inevitably, higher temperatures will mean that severe drought will continue to be the order of the day, slashing crop yields in many parts of the world. In 2022, extreme weather resulted in reduced harvests in China, India, South America, and Europe, increasing food insecurity. Stocks are likely to be lower than normal going into 2023, so another round of poor harvests could be devastating. Resulting food shortages in most countries could drive civil unrest, while rising prices in developed countries will continue to stoke inflation and the cost-of-living crisis. — via Wired
If that’s bad, just wait till you hear about the Hurricanes. El Niño will warm the waters every so slightly, and that will spawn more Hurricanes. Some will become superstorms and obliterate what they touch. Remember Hurricane Ian that hit the Tampa area in 2022? That happened during La Niña, which cools the waters. If you thought Ian was bad, just wait because La Niña saved our asses last year.
Her cooling effect is going to diminish over the first half of 2023 as El Niño takes the stage.
Current forecasts suggest that La Niña will continue into early 2023, making it — fortuitously for us — one of the longest on record (it began in Spring 2020). Then, the equatorial Pacific will begin to warm again. Whether or not it becomes hot enough for a fully fledged El Niño to develop, 2023 has a very good chance — without the cooling influence of La Niña — of being the hottest year on record. — via Wired.
Florida, the Gulf Coast States, and the Eastern seaboard of the United States could get slammed by a doozy of a hurricane next year. Watch out!
Forewarned is forearmed. You need to prepare now. You need to set aside dried foods, stock up the freezer, and make sure you can get access to water. Even having a week’s supply of resources on hand can make or break you and your family.
How do I know? Because it happened to me and my family. We got clobbered by Hurricane Sandy. Granted, we were inland from the floods but holy hell did it do a number on us. Our entire town was trashed. Power was out, there were fires, and trees blocked roads everywhere.
We had no power for 10 days but we had a cast iron stove to cook on. We all moved downstairs to where the stove was and stayed warm because I had split wood on hand. We went into camping mode and cooked on the stove. Whatever food started to thaw out or was in danger to go bad, we cooked up and ate.
We didn’t shower for those 10 days. We had public water but we couldn’t heat it up, the gas-fired water heater needed electricity to start. We all looked like hell and stank, but we made it through. We survived.
We were the lucky ones.
Some of my neighbors? Not so lucky. Some were on well and without electricity, they couldn’t pump water into their house. Some senior citizens were trapped in their houses and didn’t have enough food on hand.
Granted, our emergency services sprang into action and we, as a town, made it through. Our utility companies worked tirelessly throughout the cold days and nights to get the power back on.
In two weeks life went back to normal, but what if those emergency services couldn’t respond? What would happen to the senior citizens or our neighbors that needed immediate help? What would happen to them?
Whether you believe in science or not, it’s real. It’s the best way for us to forecast the future and make the best choices for us to survive and thrive.
Granted, science sometimes gets things wrong but they correct themselves. That’s what science does, it’s relentless in the search for truth.
What do we do? Point our fingers and laugh at all the eggheads in white lab coats. We scream, “you got no fucking common sense, Poindexter!”
Here’s what I know. Climate change is real and it’s going to fuck shit up. I can’t tell you that moving to upstate New York will help you survive the scorching heat, but I can tell you that you need to prepare.
Don’t be part of the crowd that laughs at the scientists, heed their warnings.
Stock up on dried foods when they are cheap. Learn self-defense. Learn to shoot guns and maintain them. Have an emergency plan for the family. Run scenarios on what to do if you get separated. Do you have a meet-up point? Prepare a “bug out bag” and have it ready at a moment’s notice.
Stock up on basic medicine and learn first aid. Learn to tie knots and build shelters. Learn small engine repair, learn to knit and sew. Adopt a warrior mentality and help your family and community. Move toward self-sufficiency in all parts of your life.
Above all, stick together.
That’s how we’re all going to get through this dystopian nightmare. Dark clouds are gathering on the horizon, are you ready?
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