Extinction Is Almost Here

We’re cutting our own throats

Extinction Is Almost Here
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Climate Change

Extinction Is Almost Here

The other day I wrote about how Thanos had the right idea. Wipe out 50% of life and the other half will thrive. I then ranted about how we’re missing the big picture, that it’s not just about us humans, but the rest of life on this planet.

But what about the rest of the floral and fauna in the world? Do you know we rely on pollinators for food? We rely on trees to stabilize our climate and protect the soil? What about the quality of the oceans and marine life where the majority of oxygen comes from? What about that?

Then I read about the start of the extinction of marine plants and animals and it scared the FUCKEN BEJESUS out of me.

No fish, no coral, no plankton, no nothing that will be able to generate oxygen for us. All because of warming oceans and plastics, which have become microplastics in the oceans.

I HATE PLASTICS, have I told you that already?

Wake up, people! Humans and life are going to go extinct because of climate change and our overuse of plastics and fossil fuels. We continue to shit where we eat and now the cows have come home.

Sure the jack-ass politicians will say “we humans can survive climate change” but they forget about the systems that keep us alive.

What’s next? Selling oxygen as a subscription in the future? Kinda like the Lorax? Yeah, that’s what the fucking corporations want, dontcha know?

It’s always about this.

Well fuck your money and fuck your shitcoins, you to Bitcoin. All made-up money that burns up electricity that’s generated by fossil fuels.

We can still stop this if we just wake up. Every small act can help. Whether it’s taking your own reusable grocery bags, bringing your own water bottle, and not ordering so much crap on Amazon.

We can still turn this around if and only if we have the political will. We must GET RID OF EARTH DESTROYING POLITICIANS and change our way of life radically.

But I know we won’t. We’re too weak to do that so we’ll just fade away.

I’ve often wondered if we’ll go out in a nuclear holocaust but it’s looking more likely it’ll be a whimper. We’ll die out gasping for breath and starving in our McMansions.

The violin music is getting louder as Rome burns.

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For Further Reading

Where’s Cactus Ed When We Need Him?
We can’t give any more inches
Thanos Was Right
At least 50% of the human population should disappear