Gather, Organize, Obstruct: How to Stop Trump’s Project 2025 Blitzkrieg
They’re moving fast, but we can slow them down. Here’s how to resist, disrupt, and fight back
Trump and his oligarch bros are smashing and grabbing as fast as they can. This is their strategy — a Project 2025 political blitzkrieg — and it’s overwhelming. My friends, family, and community are reeling from just how fast they’re moving. They learned from their mistakes, but we did too.
If you’re feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or scared, take a deep breath and refocus. I’m here to tell you: It’s going to be okay.
Trump and his political cronies are more organized now, testing the boundaries of what’s possible. But they have one major weakness: they are in it for themselves. Right now, they’re aligned with Trump, but the moment things go south, or they fall out of favor, they’ll turn on each other. They always do.
That, my friends, is something to exploit.
Their greatest weakness? Power and money. Trump ran again to avoid prison, but his real goal is grifting. He craves money and the power to get more. His narcissism and stupidity will ultimately be his undoing.
So, what’s the plan? How do we stop these jackasses dead in their tracks?
You Gather, Organize, and then Obstruct.
Now is the time to come together as a community. In the last eight years, you’ve probably met like-minded people — those are the ones you need to gather. This could be a local political party, a concerned citizens’ group, or a grassroots movement. You may not agree on everything, but focus on what you all share that’s in danger of being stripped away.
There is strength in numbers.
But be careful where you post your calls to gather. Nearly every social media platform is compromised, and engagement algorithms may deliberately suppress event notifications. How many times have you seen a Facebook event show up on your feed after it already happened? That’s not a bug. It’s a feature.
My suggestion? Use older technology and Signal.
Back in the ’90s, during my Punk Rock years, we could mobilize in hours by doing one simple thing: making two phone calls.
We had a system: If you got a call to meet at Location X, Time Y, you would immediately call two other people. If they answered, great. If not, you left a voicemail. Then you packed up and left.
Other old-school tech? Email lists.
Find one or host your own. With a single email, you can reach your entire network.
Avoid WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. Use Signal for secure messaging instead.
I read a great checklist for countering Trump’s blitzkrieg: divide up the work.
Nobody can fight on every front. But if each person focuses on one or two key issues, we can fight all of them.
- If you’re passionate about women’s rights, become a topic leader for your community on that issue.
- If someone else is committed to voting rights, let them lead that fight.
- If leading alone is overwhelming, team up with others who share your passion.
Then, start filtering the news.
Each topic leader should monitor legislation, track new bills and executive orders, and sound the alarm when action is needed.
Actions could include:
- Preparing letter templates for the community to send to elected officials.
- Organizing rallies, phone banking, or protests.
- Alerting members to events and actions in their area.
This strategy cuts through the paralysis Trump’s blitzkrieg creates and gives us a focused, strategic response.
We have the numbers. We just need to execute.
Every single one of us can obstruct Trump’s blitzkrieg.
- If your town leans MAGA, peacefully assemble and protest.
- If your local government is corrupt, flood them with calls, emails, and public pressure.
- If federal employees are slowing down Trump’s agenda using bureaucratic resistance, support them however you can.
- If ICE comes knocking, you know nothing. If they ask about immigrants in your area, send them on a wild goose chase.
Local-level obstruction matters. Bureaucracy and resistance slowed Trump before, and it can cripple his movement again.
We need to be relentless. The longer we delay, the more we lose momentum.
More Ways to Obstruct
Want to do more? Here are some tactics that work:
- Economic Resistance — Boycott Trump-aligned businesses. Support local, ethical alternatives.
- Drown Their Systems — Overload government complaint lines, overwhelm their paperwork processes and create administrative nightmares.
- Community Protection Networks — Organize mutual aid groups to protect vulnerable communities from ICE raids, police harassment, and right-wing intimidation.
- Legal Delay Tactics — If you’re a lawyer or know one, bog down their lawsuits with countersuits, complaints, and procedural roadblocks.
- Expose the Grift — MAGA grifters are stealing from their followers. Spread damning receipts far and wide. Make sure their base sees they’re being scammed.
- Unmask the Corruption — Track where the money flows. Follow the paper trails and publicize every shady deal.
- Get Loud, Stay Loud — Call, email, and protest relentlessly. Show up at every meeting, every hearing, and every event they think they can sneak through.
Their whole strategy is shock and overwhelm. Ours is persistence and resistance.
This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.
Trump’s cronies have learned from their mistakes — but so have we.
Let’s get to work.