Have Another Drink While Our World Burns
There ere only consequences of our actions
Have Another Drink While Our World Burns
There are only consequences of our actions
I’m changing my mind after something I read. I used to believe that Nature would punish us for our trespasses but I think I’m wrong. I think Nature doesn’t give a shit about us. There are no rewards or punishments, there are just consequences of our actions.
Every day species go extinct and new ones are discovered. New life evolves and whatever’s been living here for a while needs to adapt or die out.
It doesn’t matter if all that remains on this planet after we’re gone is single cell life forms, life finds a way to keep going. It’s just there, present, and in a form we know.
So what if we tip the climate at +5C and melt all the glaciers? Physical processes will adhere to the physical nature of things. Ice melts above 0C and oceans inundate low-lying areas when the sea level rises.
Warmer temperatures mean more moisture in the air and bigger storms. Those storms will just rain down more water and flood more areas. It’s just the laws of nature and physics, two of the most powerful constants in the universe.
You see, the consequences of our actions are us really slamming up against those constants. They’re immovable objects and we’re just a bunch of apes rolling down a hill in a car with no brakes right over the extinction cliff.
If we kill ourselves in the process, then so be it. Fuck it, we had a great shot and we squandered it.
Maybe it’s supposed to be this way, maybe it’s some law of the universe that we haven’t found. Maybe civilizations all around the universe implode after a while and maybe that’s the reason we can’t find any evidence of their existence with our telescopes and space probes.
Probability would suggest there should be life elsewhere, but we can’t seem to find it.
Perhaps the answer to these questions is scarier than we want to believe, maybe the answer is we’re just alone in the universe.
Right now, that is what I believe. It’s just us in the universe. That won’t prevent me from looking for alien life but there’s no evidence to prove we’re not alone.
If we’re alone and got no place to go to save ourselves then why the fuck are we destroying our life support systems? Why are we destroying our paradise, right here and right now?
We busy ourselves with the latest gossip about the Kardashians, and we argue about the new Sex Ed mandates being instituted in schools. Trump says this, Biden says that. Meanwhile, we keep polluting, overfishing, and destroying the world around us until our actions catch up with us.
So, pour yourself another drink and party on. Watch the world burn as we roll down that hill. The extinction cliff is coming up fast.
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