I Welcome A Birth Rate Collapse
Elon Musk wants more babies to fuel capitalism—why real survival depends on supporting women and reducing our footprint on a dying planet
Elon Musk whined the other day again. It’s part of his long-running complaint that the birth rate is declining and that is scarier than climate change.
His cult followers agree.
Me? I disagree. I welcome a birth rate and population collapse.
At the current trend, population predictions are that we’ll hit 9.7 billion humans around 2050. I don’t know what Musk is complaining about, the global birth rate is exceeding its death rate, and the world is continuing to birth more humans than are dying.
That’s how we maximize shareholder wealth, force births!
Perhaps he’s concerned with the birth rate in wealthy nations where the death rate per 1000 people is greater than the birth rate. That means more humans are dying than are being replaced.
Take a look at Germany, where my lineage hails from, its birth rate is 9.3 children per 1000 people. Compared with the death rate of 11.6. Germany’s population is contracting.
There are plenty of young couples who are still having sex but not having any children.
Good, I say!
Meanwhile developing nations such as Africa are skyrocketing. Niger tops the list in 2021 with 47.28 births per 1000. The lowest is Monaco at 6.63 with South Korea coming in second at a paltry 6.89.
So what gives? Why all the whining from Musky boy? It’s hard to fathom what ideas rattle around in his brain but I see the main reason as money.
He’s concerned that there will be fewer consumers to buy his crap in the future. Fewer consumers to enrich his stock options. Fewer serfs to keep him on top of the capitalistic food chain.
I believe it’s that simple. It’s about money and the power that it brings.
Pumping up the birth rate is code for forcing women to have more babies, for the good of shareholders. That’s how we maximize shareholder wealth, force births! Make more consumers!
Women have always gotten a raw deal from capitalism and religion, both make you a slave.
First, consumption will always make you a slave even if you are the means of labor. In order to consume more, you need to work more. Do you want Starbucks? You better work bitch!
The way to get out of that servitude is to NOT PLAY THEIR GAME and it starts with women.
Women in control of their reproductive rights upset the world order. It prevents the birthing of new serfs and slaves to the bottom rungs of capitalism. Why do you think there’s such an all-out assault against women and their reproductive rights in the United States?
Heed my words. If you want to save the world, truly save the world, support women.
Cover it with a blanket of religion, patriotism, or whatever you want to call it, but their game is to own “cradle to grave” production of everything, including you. They need workers to exploit for their labor and workers to consume.
Capitalism and religion often go hand in hand with the control of people, especially women. Because God forbid, a woman can’t choose how often she wants to have sex with whoever she wants, and if she wants to birth a child.
That’s an empowered Eve in the eyes of the Church and we can’t have that. She should be subservient to Adam! I completely get why Lilith left the Garden of Eden and I’m on her side.
I say fuck Musk and fuck them all.
We need to collapse our birth rate and the population if we want to survive on a human-habitable planet. We need to pull Earth and all living things from the brink of destruction because climate change has taken root in a violent way.
It’s only going to get worse. More droughts, more extreme temperatures, and more social unrest. We need to reduce our environmental footprint if we want to have a livable planet and the only way to do that is to stop having kids.
No amount of feel-good recycling or tree planting (all worthy endeavors, mind you) can have a seismic effect like reducing the number of people we’re creating. We need to not force births and make women “earthen vessels” for whatever fucked religion you believe — and we certainly don’t need a twit like Elon dictating family planning on a dying world.
Heed my words. If you want to save the world, truly save the world, support women. Support their right to reproductive rights. Support their voices. Support equality.
That is the way.
The survival of the world lies in women and the men that support them.