I’m Angry and I Want to Burn It All Down

We crossed a line and Nature will punish us for it

I’m Angry and I Want to Burn It All Down
Photo by Documerica on Unsplash

I’m writing this from a place of frustration and anger. I’m frustrated that most people — at least in the United States — are dumbfucks. They don’t believe in science and everything is a conspiracy. This has become the rallying cry for one side of the American political system, and it’s spreading.

The opposing side isn’t much better either. They pay lip service to the environment but can’t come to a consensus when it’s time to vote. In the end, it’s all about money and the power it brings.

We’re pawns.

The only value we have for them is our vote. If they could do away with us voting they would but they need to give us an illusion of control. They want us to feel like we’re empowered and keep us dumb enough not to realize we’re exploited.

As my father would say, “if you put all the politicians in a sack and beat the sack, you’d hit the right one every time.” He’s right.

I’m angry that voters continue to vote against their best interests. I’m angry that our society values Kim Kardashian’s ass more than clean water or safe places to live.

It’s plain to see that a lot of us got sold the Brooklyn Bridge.

There’s a bit of poetic justice in that I have an MBA and now I question if modern capitalism is the right path. I question if it’s the savior that it was once proclaimed to be.

“Capitalism lifts so many people out of poverty!” Everyone nods their heads in approval and agrees that Capitalism is the right way. They often forget that Capitalism has put a lot of people into poverty. They forget that Capitalism is exploitative. It uses up resources. It consumes just to consume.

Sure, Nature is quasi-capitalistic, it wants to grow. If you invest in one tomato seed you’ll get one tomato plant and hundreds of seeds. Over the course of one or two generations, you could grow your tomato plants in an exponential manner. That is until you reach Nature’s limiting factor.

Nature has a limiting factor. Trees stop growing their canopies when they touch other trees' branches. Predator populations collapse when they eat too many of their prey. There is natural regulation and integration.

Nature is thrifty with her resources. Does she abhor a vacuum? Yes, she does. She fills it with life and lets them grow, as long as they follow her rules of regulation and integration.

Nature suffers no fools and she is no longer suffering us. We are the fools. We continue to believe in Capitalism and perma-growth. We delude ourselves into thinking this will go on forever.

Reports filter in from my acquaintances from around the world. The world is in turmoil. War, diseases, violent weather, dying flora, and fauna.

Is Nature setting the stage for us to crash? Have we overstepped the natural boundaries she arranged for us?

She is.

She’s shrugging and getting ready to flick us, like fleas, off her shoulders. She’s creating a fever to kill us off.

Sure, some of us will survive, in a new world.

The ones that know how to grow food, fix things and be useful. Those that will survive will be thrifty with her resources. They will follow her instructions on how to sustain healthy growth. They will abide by her boundaries and they will be happy.

We will all be happier in a world with fewer people that is lush and filled with life.

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