Interstellar Foreshadowed The New Currency
The earth is dying — we're failing ourselves
Food Security
Forget Cryptocurrency — Seeds Will Be The New Currency
There was a scene in the movie Interstellar where Matthew McConaughey is talking to his daughter’s principal. The principal says:
“Okay. Well, right now the world doesn’t need more engineers. We didn’t run out of planes, or television sets. We ran out of food. The world needs farmers. Good farmers, like you.”
In the movie, the world was dying. Crops were failing, the soil was depleted, and a massive dust bowl was sweeping the world. The only hope was to leave our Earth and find another place to go fuck up 1,000s of light years away through a wormhole.
Guess what? The “Earth is dying part” is happening right now. For clarity’s sake, the Earth itself isn’t dying yet, just all the life support systems are. The ecosystem is failing, it’s flashing a big red alert!
Climate change, pollution, and overpopulation have finally caught up with us. The oceans are dying, so no food or oxygen for us.
We’re cutting down forests, so no oxygen and habitat for food. Climate change is burning our farms in the Midwest, so our 320+ million people in the USA will watch food prices skyrocket and more will starve.
Yes, the entire world will start starving, and millions will die. I thought I’d never say this but Interstellar foreshadowed what’s about to happen in the next decade. People will start growing as much of their own food again, just to survive.
Seeds will become the new currency. Exchanging seedlings will become more valuable than Bitcoin. Preserving food will become your new 401k.
How do I know? My father told me.
He was a baby at the end of World War II in a southern German farming town. Growing up they had no money, no shoes, nothing but a few patched and sewn clothes on their backs and farm implements. His older brothers and father (my grandfather) worked in the fields planting potatoes and cabbage.
My grandmother raised the children, my aunts helped her with her daily tasks. She churned butter by hand, raised chickens, and had her small berry patch to make jam. When the cabbage harvest came in, she made drums worth of sauerkraut for the winter.
On Christmas, she would bake all nine children a cake to celebrate. They waited the whole year for that cake. It was such a wonderful memory that my father would talk of it every chance he got till his dying day.
My father told me that they never had money growing up but they always had food to eat.
Money didn’t matter, food mattered. They were able to survive and thrive.
Food to eat is going to be worth more than any gold, silver, or shitcoin out there. Food security will be wealth soon.
Some people are realizing this. The rise of the Covid vegetable garden is a step in the right direction. People keeping bees or transforming lawns into pollinator-friendly gardens are all steps in the right direction, but we need to do more.
We’re going to have to start homesteading again and learn to preserve food.
We’re going to have to learn to use zero chemical fertilizer and pesticides.
We’re going to have to learn to conserve food and not throw tons of it away every day.
We’re going to have to plant crops and trees, just to keep our climate stable.
We’re going to have to detach from capitalism and perma-growth.
Of course, we’ll need Engineers and Scientists too, like in the movie. Don’t get me wrong, we’ll need them just as much as farmers BUT WE NEED TO START LISTENING TO EACH OTHER BETTER. We’re going to have to radically alter how we live and operate in a community.
Here’s what we don’t need.
What we don’t need are politicians and priests. They’re worthless anyway. They’re the ones killing this planet with their hallucinations that Jesus will save us or with their power games. They and earth killing corporations are the organized structure that’s destroying all our life support systems. They are cancer that needs to be cut out so that we may live.

They’re the reason life in this world is in danger.
We don’t need them one bit. If they want to live the Interstellar fantasy then by all means let’s shoot them up into space and to the nearest black hole.
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