Now is Not The Time to Say I Told You So

Now is the time to prepare — and fast

Now is Not The Time to Say I Told You So
© Author

My favorite Reddit group is r/LeopardsAteMyFace. It’s a group that posts the surprise of Trump supporters realizing they’ve been conned. They can’t believe that their savior would do something to hurt them when he should’ve hurt those other people instead.

So many people were conned. The Women for Trump were conned. The Blacks for Trump were conned. The Hispanics for Trump were conned. Police for Trump got conned. Everyone who voted for him to lower the price of eggs was conned.

Trump said whatever you wanted to hear to get your vote to consolidate his power, and now he has it. Mark my words, he will never leave and we will either have a flavor of Nazi Germany or South African Apartheid for our government. It’s too early to tell which one. The gist of it is, Democracy is dead.

It’s easy for half the country that didn’t vote for Trump to say, “I told you so.”

Don’t. Please don't!

There’s nothing to gloat about here. Everyone, myself included, needs to look in the mirror and say “Now what?”

Exactly. What’s next? What are we going to do? How are we going to deal with the dismantling of our democracy and rights? Are we going to write silly memes and post them on Facebook? Are we going to share sad stories of what life before Trump was like on TikTok, Twitter, or Threads? They’re all compromised to spew the Trump propaganda. What’s next? Medium? Substack?

No, we’re going to resist. We’re going to build our parallel society in the shape and image of what is right and honorable. And we’re going to vote while we still have the chance.

Yes, we’re going to vote for Independents and Democrats. While I consider the Democrats to be very ineffective ever since they moved right, we will need to vote for whatever party is in opposition to the GOP. We have to fight because now, yes, some of my reader’s lives depend on it.

More than ever you will need to prepare. You will need an emergency plan, not for coming climate disasters, but for when they come for you. If you have a passport, make sure it’s up to date. Know your routes to Mexico or Canada in case you need to flee. Organize your important papers like birth or marriage certificates and have them ready at a moment’s notice.

All of us need to prepare and resist. If we don’t resist, if we don’t organize, if we don’t build outside of this system then we don’t deserve to be here.