The American Dream is Dead For You

March And Protest Like The French

The American Dream is Dead For You
Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

March And Protest Like The French!

Did you know that the French are protesting vigorously? No? It’s been largely silenced in our news media, and I wonder why. What are they protesting about? A rise in the retirement age from 62 to 64.

That’s right, President Macron and his cronies want to add two more years to the general retirement age. The French went wild and are protesting en masse. They’re shutting shit down and cutting power to the elites. They have the right idea and we in the USA need to march and protest like the French!

Let me give you an example. Another school shooting in Texas or elsewhere? Mothers, fathers, students, and every able body person should march out on the street and shut the country down.

Raise our Social Security to age 70? Protest and shut down the country.

Free healthcare and full access to reproductive healthcare/rights? March, protest, and turn off the electricity to Congress.

The people are restless

The Boomers have crushed Gen X and they’re doing a good job of crushing the Millennials. We’ve been going through this corporate world for the better part of our lives now and our anger has been placated with distractions and some money.

The Gen Z kids looked around and saw what happened to Mommy and Daddy in 2008 and all “once in a lifetime” financial, health, and environmental events that seem to happen all the time now. They’re shocked about how exploitative corporate America is, and how destructive the American dream has become.

They’re told to get good grades, go to college and get into debt. Then come out with crushing debt and get paid peanuts. Are you kidding me? How does that make sense?

My close friend’s boss told him years ago that he wants his workers to buy that car, that house, and go into debt because then he’s got them by the balls. Then they have to come into to work and take whatever shit he throws at them.

Nice fucking guy, right? Well, that happens all over this country and the world. People are exploited and forced to work in jobs they hate for too little pay, while the assholes who exploit them rise to the top to control everything.

For all the gaslighting the GOP does about fighting the elites in this country, it’s really them, the Democrats, and the 1%.

George Carlin was right, they’re going to get everything from us. The GOP is going to complain about Social Security and cutting it because it’s an “entitlement.” The Dems cry about a woman’s right to an abortion but they do ZERO about it. Biden could pack the Supreme Court but does he? Nope.

They want to trap women into having children that they can’t afford or are ready to have. Why do you think there’s such a pronatalist drive in this country? Every right-wing nut bag is crying about the drop in the birth rate and how we men and women aren’t having sex.

Oh the fucking horror. No more babies? GOOD.

It’s a trap, they want to trap us into having more babies so we shut up and go to work in low-paying jobs just to keep THEM and the 1% in power.

The American dream is dead for you and me

The American dream is dead. Kaput. What we see today is a sham. George Carlin was right about everything. They own us with our debt. They tell us to jump and have conditioned us to say “how high.” They’re going to take it all from us and we’re letting them.

Why aren’t we out protesting and shutting things down like the French? There are millions of us and only a handful of them. Why don’t we force our vision of a more perfect union on them?

It’s because they’ve successfully divided us into red and blue states. They divided us into Pro-choice and Pro-life. They divided us by redlines. They divided us into thinking progressiveness is socialism. They’re winning and we’re not doing a damn thing. Not a single damn thing.

George said they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

I think it’s dead and we got nothing left to lose now.

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