The Trump Rout — You Wanted It, You Got It
As the new Trump administration steamrolls through Washington, his supporters are waking up to the reality of their “mandate”
It’s been just over a week, and the new Trump administration has kicked into high gear. They’ve learned how to bulldoze through the red tape in Washington, figured out how to bypass resistance, and are now moving at breakneck speed. They’re smashing and grabbing as fast as they can, overwhelming the system before anyone can react. It’s a political blitzkrieg, and it’s not by accident — it’s the plan.
The pain is ramping up. Trump supporters are gasping, “Why are you hurting me? I voted for you!”
Yes, you did. And now you’re watching in real-time as the man you cheered for delivers exactly what he promised. You gave him this so-called “mandate,” and now he’s cashing in — on your back, no less.
As I wrote before, Trump supporters were conned. Some of you saw the grift too late, some are still in denial, and others are just now realizing the depth of the scam. But I’m not going to waste too much time on that. What I want you to do now is get angry. I want you to see the long con for what it is — decades in the making, built on fear, resentment, and the promise of bringing back something that never really existed.
The GOP of your grandfather’s time? It’s gone. The party of “values” and “working Americans” is a well-oiled grift machine, spinning outrage into cash and power while handing your future to the highest bidder.
And let’s be honest — the Democrats aren’t much better. They had years to stop Trump and his ilk, and they failed at every turn. They let this happen. They ignored the warnings. They silenced and undermined the progressive wing of their party — all so Nancy Pelosi and the old guard could cling to power. Now, they’re scrambling, holding emergency meetings, panicking over the gutting of federal grants and aid.
Guess what? Too late. You missed the boat. And now, you want us to rally behind you? Fuck off.
The Local Reality
I attended a concerned citizens’ meeting in my town. The room was filled mostly with left-leaning people venting about Trump, but beneath the surface, something deeper was happening. People weren’t just talking about politics anymore — they were talking about survival. They were worried about how to keep basic infrastructure going. How to keep schools open. How to make sure their community doesn’t crumble under the weight of what’s coming.
The food bank I volunteer at — on and off, as needed — has seen a surge in families needing food since the pandemic. And now, with federal aid slashed, including the suspension of crucial programs like SNAP, demand is about to explode.
I’m deeply concerned that the larger food bank system in New Jersey might not withstand the pressure.
This shouldn’t be happening. In the richest country on Earth, no one should be hungry — whether you’re a citizen or not. It’s as simple as that. Yet here we are, bracing for a crisis that should be unthinkable. And worse, it’s all happening by design.
A Lesson from My Father
My late father, a man of few but sharp words, had a saying from his time in Germany:
“If you take all the politicians, put them in a sack, and beat the sack with a stick… you’d hit the right one every time.”
He wasn’t wrong. The people in power — both Republican and Democrat — will never feel the pain of their decisions. They don’t worry about keeping the lights on, feeding their kids, or affording medicine. They sit in their ivory towers while the rest of us deal with the fallout.
I have deep compassion for every innocent child and family who will suffer because of this administration. For every senior who will have to choose between rent and medication. For every insulin-dependent person who will now struggle even more.
But if you voted for Trump and now find yourself crushed under his policies, welcome to hell. You built it and get to live in it.
But, I will extend an olive branch. I will extend this branch for the sake of our community and as a good neighbor. We can argue about the small things that divide us or come together on all the many things that unite us. Let’s all organize and fight the real threat to our lives and liberty: the politicians in Washington DC.